Remembering the Three Jewels: Gliederung (Elisabeth)

The Sutra of the Recollection of the Three Jewels


1. Explanation of the title

2. The Translators Homage

3. The Meaning of the Text

4. Concluding chapter


3. The Meaning of the Text

1.The recollection of the Buddhas good qualities

2. The recollection of the Dharmas good qualities

3. the recollection of the Sanghas good qualities



1. the recollection of the Buddhas good qualities

1.The good qualities of the teacher, setting the basis for the details (general expl.)

2. the extensive explanation, based on cause and result

3. conclusion regarding the good qualities of the B.


2. the extensive explanation     1. the way he benefits sb, what manner he acts for the sake of others

2. how he perfected all qualities of abandonment and attainment f. himself


1. the way he benefits sb

1. how he appears to sb

2. how exactly in which manner he benefits


2. how exactly in which manner he benefits

1. the particulars of who goes before him

2. the overwiev


1.the particulars of who goes before him.

2.The overview

1.He is a teacher of the various beings

1. Summary

2. extensive explanation

1.How he acts as a teacher

1. mind activity

2. speech activity

3. Body activity

2.The way he finalized abandonment and realisation for his own sake

1. Abandonment

1.showing, that even he dwelt in places of becoming, he remained                            uncontaminated by the faults



2.showing how his being is beyond becoming

1. showing how the fruition is beyond unsatisfactoriness

1. The fruition is beyond unsatisfactoriness

2. he is beyond the source, causes


1. Entity


2. Profound


2. qualities

3. function

3. conclusion to those sections



2. Recollection of the Dharma


2. extensive explanation

1. showing that it is the supreme one to be accepted

1. Synopsis

shown from the perspective being free of faults

2. shown from the perspective of having good qualities.


2.Showing that it is a definite mental reliance

1. Synopsis

2. Extensive explanation



3.The way to recollect the good qualities of the sangha

      1. Showing the good qualities of the sangha

1. Their mindstreams are thoroughly purified


2. they are a supreme field of good qualities


2.praising the ones having those good qualities a supreme places for giving

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